k-FIFO Queue

We introduce fast and scalable algorithms that implement bounded- and unbounded-size lock-free k-FIFO queues on parallel, shared memory hardware. Logically, a k-FIFO queue can be understood as queue where elements may be dequeued out-of-order up to k-1, or as pool where the oldest element is dequeued within at most k dequeue operations. The presented algorithms enable up to k enqueue and k dequeue operations to be performed in parallel. Moreover, we demonstrate a prototypical controller which identifies optimal k automatically at runtime achieving better performance than with any statically configured k. Unlike previous designs, however, the algorithms also implement linearizable emptiness (and full) checks without impairing scalability. In experiments our algorithms outperform and outscale all state-of-the-art concurrent pool and queue algorithms other than the distributed queues in all micro- and most macrobenchmarks. More information about the k-FIFO queues is available in our PaCT13 paper. The k-FIFO queue implementations are available as part of the Scal project.

Illustration of a k-FIFO queue
Performance of the k-FIFO queue in a low-contention producer-consumer benchmark


To the left you can see the performance and scalability of the k-FIFO queue algorithms in a low-contention producer-consumer benchmark on a 40-core (2 hyperthreads per core) Intel Xeon server machine in comparison with a lock-based queue (LB), a Michael-Scott queue (MS), a flat-combining queue (FC), a wait-free queue (WF), a random-dequeue queue (RD), a segment queue (SQ), an elimination-diffraction pool (ED), a lock-free linearizable pool (BAG), a synchronous rendezvousing pool (RP), and various distributed queue configurations (DQ).
